Monday, July 30, 2012


A cracker of a winter's day in Canberra on 9 July 2012 we went out to Tidbinbilla. Mum says that there was a really big bushfire that burnt out all of the bush and lots of houses, and we did see lots of blackened trees.  While we were driving there we saw lots of kangaroos and even a fox dashing across a field.

At the park we played with Oscar, Lucy and Hannah in the adventure playground - on the slides, in the cubbies (escaping the bunyips) and with the water pump before having a BBQ. Luckily the emus did not steal our sausages like Mum said they used to do for her, but we did have 6 emus stalking around us a lot of the time (we were very brave). Dad was amazing telling stories and making up bunyip games so that Mum and Ali could talk serious HOMs business - Dad you rock!

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