Monday, July 30, 2012


 We love going to Requesteron (aka Questacon science museum). Beatrix fitted all the cogs in place so that turning the bottom handle would make the top wheel spin. 10 July 2012
 Lily, Beatrix and Harper enjoyed examining skulls.
 Harper and Beatrix played vets.
Harper and Beatrix ran the bakery while Lily and her puppy were the customers


A cracker of a winter's day in Canberra on 9 July 2012 we went out to Tidbinbilla. Mum says that there was a really big bushfire that burnt out all of the bush and lots of houses, and we did see lots of blackened trees.  While we were driving there we saw lots of kangaroos and even a fox dashing across a field.

At the park we played with Oscar, Lucy and Hannah in the adventure playground - on the slides, in the cubbies (escaping the bunyips) and with the water pump before having a BBQ. Luckily the emus did not steal our sausages like Mum said they used to do for her, but we did have 6 emus stalking around us a lot of the time (we were very brave). Dad was amazing telling stories and making up bunyip games so that Mum and Ali could talk serious HOMs business - Dad you rock!

The Berra!

 We made it to Canberra! After 5 hours in the car (various stops to permit the transport of what appeared to be a component for a nuclear power plant) and a very disappointing meal at Truck Stop 31 (never again) we made it to the Brassey Hotel and on to Batchelor Street for a lovely dinner with John and Leonie.  Here we are in between courses - John with Harper and Lily, 8 July 2012
 Beatrix enjoyed her meal.
Lily had the most comfortable seat in the house to watch Rapunzel

Saturday, July 28, 2012


I'm off to buy me a globe tomorrow. I got away w my explanation of the industrial revolution and the Titanic during the opening ceremony [replay] today, but when I described Angola, Guinea and Egypt as all being in northern Africa they didn't believe me.

Lily asks: why are they saying so mayn sports peple have splinters? [ie are sprinters]. Classic.

First and favourite

Sarah came over this afternoon and we thought that it was so she could play with us but turns out that she came to see mum! Go figure. We still made her play Snow White, and she sang us a song at bedtime too.
One of six courses Sarah prepared for Mum - winter cerviche YUMMO!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

James is one

 Baby James with his very proud parents!
Uncle Cookie and James, 7 July 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Lily after a sniffly night: Mum, why are my boogers crispy?

Saturday, July 21, 2012


 A lovely sunny afternoon at Olivia's, 6 July 2012
Harper's drawing of mum and herself

Friday, July 13, 2012

Triple bunks!

 This is what $50 and wearing a black velour tracksuit to the door can get you when the bunks are delivered.  Woo hoo! 5 June 2012
 Lily in her cave bed
 Beatrix in her castle bed
Harper in her castle bed

Broken down, on the floor

Well our cots are broken down and we are very excited to be camping tonight as our bunks arrive tomorrow! You wouldn't believe any 3 beds would fit in this room looking at it here, but Mum and Dad are pretty sure it will be okay....
4 July 2012

Mass popcorn

Little popcorn chefs: 5. Time it took to cook: 4 minutes. Time it took to eat: 2 minutes
Seamus and Cookie's rocket

Mirror image

30 June 2012

Last day of term

Pyjama party! 29 June 2012
Harper, Beatrix and Lily

Ideal bunk design

By Harper, 25 June 2012

Now we're real true proper pirates

Dad raises the flag, sent by Pa and Oma from that den of pirate iniquity, Devon
 Lily "helping", 25 June 2012

Couldn't pay for it

23 June 2012
B L and H

More bath

H, B and L
19 June 2012


When the girls were very little girls, and Mum was slightly thinner, cousin Belinda made us a beautiful wall hanging that said "Sisters" and had 3 ribbons, each of which held one of our photos and some flowers.  4 years on, and Harper recreates.
19 June 2012

First babysitter

Sarah came and sat with us tonight, cus that's what babysitters do. And she danced, and drew, and sang, and read, and read some more. Man we had her fooled. Mum thinks she is Sarah's friend, but she is in our control... 17 June 2012.

Bathing beauties - a series

 Harper, 16 June 2012

Indoor cubby

 Dad made us an awesome inside cubby today as it was raining horses and pigs...or something. Beatrix
 Lily the cubby fairy
Harper's beautiful drawing, repeating the design on the drawing board! 11 June 2012

Sophia's cafe

 Just hangin' w my peeps after sport at Sophia's cafe. Well, it's her grandparents' cafe, and other people call it something else, but we do like playing with her when she's there and then Mum and Dad can gawp at the 100 types of sausage. Beatrix, 5 June 2012

The sisterhood

 Victoria and Eliza visit on 10 June 2012 - perfect sisters
And then we get the creche in action - felties, drawing, morning tea, sports outside...

When did Dash grow up?

 5 little munchkins watching "Harry Plotter" - Dashiel, Harper, Lily, Beatrix and Benjamin
 P gets a cuddle from Dash
 Bea the builder
Lily the life scientist 
Harper the humanitarian


 Lily Pirate, 1 June 2012
Beatrix Pirate

Welcome home Harper

Harper, Dad, Beatrix, Mum and Lily having a family dinner to welcome the travellers home, 29 May 2012

Harper Bear at home

 Harper at Ready Steady Go
Harper in bed, 28 May 2012