Friday, June 24, 2011


Lily, Harper and Beatrix "The Nutcracker", limited season, limited seats (2), $12.50 (includes cut up orange).

Harper and Mum, 16 June 2011.

Rumble at B-field

Gran gets what's coming. 12 June 2011.


Beatrix reading the good cafe guide as she feeds her baby. 11 June 2011.

Little fish

Lily, 11 June 2011
Zac, Lily, Beatrix and Harper with Katherine in the background working her magic

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Talking about Ready Steady Go, where the sport of the week was athletics:
Mum - You did really well today, Harper, on the obstacle course.
Harper - Yes, but I didn't jump over all of the turtles.*

10 June 2011

* hurdles

Three little piglets

Beatrix, Lily and Harper, 6 June 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In da house

Meggie Moo, Livy and Mum had a great day on 6 June 2011 hangin' at Livy's. What a lively bunny she is at home! She showed Mum EVERYTHING and soomed about at great speed. Can't wait for our outing to the Dora show!


Who is glowing more, Beatrix or her fairy god-mother Penelope? 5 June 2011.

New park!

We found a new park near Naneta's - it has only taken us 16 months!! It's by the motor boat club and we got to see some very fast boats voom past, when we weren't too busy on our boat in the park. Lily, 5 June 2011.

And we saw lots of little fish swimming in the water. Beatrix.

And oysters. Mmmmm. Oysters. Harper.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Doing a splodgy painting to hang up for goldie for fish. 3 June 2011.
B, L, H

Ballet on the boinger

Lily, Dragon Park, 3 June 2011.
Lily, Beatrix and Harper
So lovely I just want to eat them all up.

Belated mother's day report

Who wouldn't love these three gems? The girls made me special flowers for mother's day. So lucky.

Ride em cowboy

Harper and her new pony, Sally (or is that Sally-ba). 30 May 2011

All eyes on Bexley

We had a lovely dinner with Meri and Yves today - despite a big morning out and about we were on our best behaviour. But we didn't fnind the dinner conversation very interesting - lots of talk about schools that speak other languages?? Go figure. 29 May 2011
Meri and Lily


Dad: Mum is only reading one book tonight
Dad leaves the bedroom
Harper: The other book is a secret
Lily: And if you read one book then you sing one song. If you read two books then you sing two songs. If you read three books, then you sing three songs. OK?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An ibis stole my cupcake

Poor Beatrix - a stinky ibis stole her cupcake! Bird phobia? No, bird flu ensued instead (ok, normal flu). 29 May 2011
But all's well that ends well!


Plonking at the art gallery with Sarah, 29 May 2011

Angels at the art gallery - Harper and Beatrix
Our favourite picture: Eric Thake "Archaeopteryx", 1941

Mum's favourite picture - "Spring Frost" by Elioth Gruner, 1919

The beauty without as well as the beauty within

Story time

Time for a quick story with Dad before he has to hit the books again, 29 May 2011

Who is that baby?

I just do not believe that it is me in these photos! Lily and Nanna, 27 May 2011

Three in a boat

Happily bumping over the waves, 27 May 2011.

With Nanna keeping an eye out for sharksAnd then Dad surprised us in the park!And in the afternoon Harper and Beatrix walked to the shops with Mum. Autumn weather is definitely here!

Fairy godmother

Beatrix and Penelope, 22 May 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big bike!

Harper, 26 May 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Momentous day

Swimming lesson, 21 May 2011. Can you see what's different?Mum is out of the pool! Here she is with Zac's mum Sonya! And here we are out of the pool enjoying the blower.


Camellia Gardens, 20 May 2011.


Every time we see Penelope her tummy is bigger! We had a lovely afternoon tea at her house and showed off our new soccer skills. 14 May 2011.

Ready steady go!

This term we are trying a multisports program, and we love it! So far we have done soccer and golf, and every week we do coffee! Here we are with Jett: :-R Beatrix, Lily and Harper. 12 May 2011.

Camera shy

18 May 2011

Two times three

15 May 2011. We had a lovely play with Chloe, Breanna and Mikayla at their house today, and got to collect our new bikes! Adrian was amazing - 8 girls in the house and he didn't bat an eyelid! Thank you Danielle.

What do you call a camel with three humps?

Renee! 12 May 2011

School photos

Well the proof will be in the pictures, but we had school photos today and the preschool director sent Mum a text saying that there were three happy girls! This afternoon we took photos of all of our toys, but they didn't have any school tshirts to wear - get on the job, Mum! 10 May 2011.