Sunday, March 27, 2011

An attempt at fame

18 March 2011 Well, it's Multiple Birth Awareness Week and we organised for the local tabloid to come and meet some MB families for a piece to promote the Club and get some community understanding. The photographer came, but had no kid-sense and ended up taking shots of those that couldn't walk as the others (ie ours) proved too difficult! The article that appeared was a disappointment - focussed on a university study on twin relationships rather than the practicalities of day to day life and local issues! Ah, next time we'll go for a respectable publication.Many positives from the day at Kyeemagh, though! Harper and Beatrix learnt to clime a spider web to a new platform (=new fear for mum).
Lily continues to love the swing.
Harper continues to love her fairy wings.

And Lily and Beatrix continue to love each other :-)

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