Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Asleep. Awake. More chocolate.

We had a great day playing at Benji's today. Didn't see much of Mum - she was happy talking to Juzi and Joe - how boring! We played so much we had to have a nap all together in the big bed.
But then we thought we should do some more eating. And more drawing. And more eating. We love coming to Benji's! 27 March 2o011.

P and her pod

A quick milkshake after gymnastics before we catch the 11.27 Tangara train back to Rockdale.
24 March 2011.

Flat out like a lizard drinking

Here we are at Dragon Park on 25 March 2011 with some of our SSMBA mates. Din't ask us why, but we wanted to eat our fruit lying down. Flat out. But then we found Mum's sunnies.And Nanna's hat.And then we found the dragon! (aka blue tongued lizard). Which was, as they say, flat out like a lizard drinking!

Anzacs - round 2

Second attempt. Different recipe. Different result.
But the photos are still the highlight! 23 March 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

What's the time, Mr Wolf?

17 March 2011

Video to follow when our blasted network allows me to upload!

Anzacs - first attempt

More of Mum's craziness, making us do things 6 weeks early. This time we're pleased she did, as her recipe was cr@p and needs a LOT of work!19 March 2011But here we are making Anzac biscuits. We got to eat one each before Dad surreptitiously threw them in the bin...But don't our skirts from the Grand A look great ;-)

T-Rex Part Deux

Matador rules OK. 13 March 2011

Green accent

19 March 2011. Here we are wearing the skirts that the Grand A made us for our birthdays! Lily with her other birthday loot - binoculars and computer!
Beatrix: "What you talkin' about Willis?"
Harper's russian dolls being "mushroom heads" - we are no closer to understanding this game!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

An attempt at fame

18 March 2011 Well, it's Multiple Birth Awareness Week and we organised for the local tabloid to come and meet some MB families for a piece to promote the Club and get some community understanding. The photographer came, but had no kid-sense and ended up taking shots of those that couldn't walk as the others (ie ours) proved too difficult! The article that appeared was a disappointment - focussed on a university study on twin relationships rather than the practicalities of day to day life and local issues! Ah, next time we'll go for a respectable publication.Many positives from the day at Kyeemagh, though! Harper and Beatrix learnt to clime a spider web to a new platform (=new fear for mum).
Lily continues to love the swing.
Harper continues to love her fairy wings.

And Lily and Beatrix continue to love each other :-)

Easter is only 6 weeks away

Content warning - Note to Grandparents and other significant "Grands" - read at the risk of ruining your own Easter surprises.
So Mum being the editor of the newsletter has its benefits - we get to be the guinea pigs for all her crazy craft ideas. It generally means we do everything 6 weeks ahead of schedule, but practice makes perfect!


Beatrix liked the starsLily liked the glitter paintAnd we all thought the "fairy dust" glitter was egg-tastic!


Harper making the noise that her T-Rex makes. 13 March 2011
And napping after a ferocious morning of marauding.

Friday, March 25, 2011


12 March 2011. One bucket of blocks go a long way. Lily.

Harper, Lily and Beatrix

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mon petit choux-fleur

All three year olds eat brussell sprouts with gusto, don't they? So what's the fuss?

Here we are playing a new game called "mushroom head". Mum and Dad played too but we woudln't tell them the rules, and just bossed them around a lot.
And here we are when we were pressed for further detail about the nature of said game.
But really, we have the old parents wrapped around our little fingers!
11 March 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011


Welcome to my hair salon. My name is Sharona and I will be styling your hair today. But I have to be able to get it done in 8 seconds and with exactly the right hair tie and while the client is moving around like a worm and her sisters don't happen to make a negative remark. It made it to school in this french plait (a first attempt, I know I have to practice) but was gone by lunch. 7 March 2011. Oh, and somehow Sharona managed to get herself appointed Co-President of the Preschool Executive Committee. Oops...

The Grimke sisters

The Grand A and Gran, also known as the Grimke sisters*, in Gran's front yard where her garden - once a patch of bare earth, is flourishing. Ah the silver princess gums!
Me and Jeannie - I do make it in shots every now and then! 6 March 2011
* living in Canada we had a great card game that was all about wonderful women doing great things in history. The Grimke sisters were always favourites for their incredibly dour expressions. Noe a family colloquialism.

After rain

Hunting snails after the rain with Dad. 6 March 2011. Snails: 0. Little lizards:2. Caught: 0.

Crazy cousins at the party

A beautiful invitation by Meggie Moo. Sorry Rufus and Clem that you are upside down underneath!
Here we are on our "little" bikes at the party. We did share very well but in the end, well, they're ours and we know where to hide them.

Beatrix's wonderful people for Livy's scrapbook. Eyes, nose, mouth each; some have pockets...and hairy chests!

Lily, Beatrix, Harper, Jeannie and Livy. Blissful Carter-ness.

John and Leo

Thanks also to Johnny and Leo who came up to help Olivia celebrate.
She is clearly tickled pink by their presence!
As was I!
5 March 2011

First birthday party

5 March 2011

Olivia the beautiful thinking "what's all the fuss?"

And her lovely mother

Three generations - Meggie Moo, Livy and the Grand A - yay Jeannie thanks for travelling so far to see us on this special occasion!