Saturday, August 29, 2015


29 August 2015

Happy days

After 28 months of looking we are v happy 

Andrew imagining us moved in 
29 August 2015 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

Bach in the pach

Of course

A piano in a park!

Sydney Park toodling



Lily 22 August 2015


Thursday 20 August Lily Harper B and Larissa

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Piano video

Sydney Park, 22 August 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

Having a whale of a time

By Beatrix 11 August 2015

Brides of...

16 August 3015 B L H

1/2W hosts assembly

Friday 14 August. lily spoke really well, got her silver award and an award for dance! 

With buddies Harper and Larissa. 

Gappy McGapGap

Lost 16 August 2015. Harper by Beatrix

Sunday, August 9, 2015

1.5 land handicap

And Harper first across he line smashing her best time by a minute!!
H 7:00 1st
B 8:10 6th
L 8:15 19th

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Big week for Harper!

She made it to the class final of the spelling bee, then got her gold award at assembly!

Only platinum to go then bring on the book award!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Trophy time!

Beatrix today bested her PB by more than 2 minutes to take out the 2km handicap trophy race. Congratulations Beatrix!

Beatrix 13.25 1st (trophy at awards night 17 October)
Harper 12.15 6th (also a PB)
Lily 14:40 21st (would have been PB but was ankle tapped 50m from the line - did however manage to take down the kid that tripped her!)