Monday, April 20, 2015

Last moments in Leura

Harper, Lily and Beatrix at thre Fairmont, 20 April 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Out of the caves

 The reflective lake, Jenolan Valley
Caused by all the calcite in the water - amazing

Wet and dry crystal

 The broken column
Wet calcite is waxy, dry is sparkly

In the caves

Stalagtites in the Lucas Cave, 19 April 2015 
 Shawl in Lucas Cave
Just magical


 Phase 1: not quite sure (dad asphyxiating from claustrophobia excluded from shot)
Phase 2: super excited!

Jenolan bound

19 April 2015
Lesson of the day: 6 people 3 bikes and gear + hot chocolates + windy road = disaster 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Agrestic Grocer

Orange 18 April 2015
Listening to the music

Windy in Milthorpe

18 April 2015

Now that is a carrot cake!

Old Mill, Millthorpe, 18 April 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015


Post-Tonic marshmallow roasting 17 April 2015

Philip Shaw

Orange 17 April 2015


17 April 2015

Morning run

We got caught in the rain on our morning run and took refuge at the station!
17 April 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lily wheels off

Didn't capture the action on film but here are the post ride celebrations!!!
Getry's Bar, Millthorpe, 15 April 3015
... And our next training wheels off target is blissfully unknowing...

Two generations removed

Oh yeah we are two generations removed from the home farm but surely there is stock men's blood in these veins!!
Beatrix 15 April 2015 at the Upper Turon River
On the trail - Andrew on Chief, Beatrix on Laird, Harper on Snowflake and Lily on Isabelle. Disappointingly out of frame is Peta in Hobby.  Pattie leads on Belle. 
PS we farmed crops at Lake Charm...

More Bingletree

Beatrix, 15 April 2015

Happy much?

V happy

New boots 15 April 
... and in the background is Mad Max


it's over there!
No over there!
15 April 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Playing local at the park
14 April 2015


At Mount Canobolas SCA 14 April 2015


Game of thrones is everywhere
Snowgums 14 April 2015

Mount Canobolas

Harper leading 
On the last ascent