Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Future Soccer Stars

An amazing opportunity for Lily and Harper today to gain some soccer skills w John Aloisi. 

Beatrix helped with production. 
30 April 2014

All of the Ramsgate U7 Bee 4s

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day One Term Two Grade One

Can't have been too taxing if Harper can invent this in the afternoon!
29 April 2014

Adventure Park

Orange, 22 April 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Home again, home again, our brave Beatrix

Who would have thought running down the hallway was an extreme sport??? After having a temporary back slab put on on Saturday afternoon Beatrix had the full cast put on on Sunday ad was home that night, woozy from the general anaesthetic but very pleased w her new bear "Happy Bear"

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Child danger 13

The hallway. Who knew!
26 April 2014

Dad the SuperCoach

Zoran had to work today so into the breach stepped super Cookie!
The Ramsgate U7 Bee 4s, 26 April 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Historic Carcoar

"The town that time forgot" 25 Aril 2015. Pity we forgot to check the petrol...

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Tonic Restaurant, Millthorpe, 24 April 2014
Harper: stuffed quail's breast followed by venison with rhubarb and lentils
Beatrix: scallops followed by roast beef with celeriac purée
Lily: rabbit ballotine followed by spatchcock. Delic!

Bush beauty

Hiking on Mt Canoblas 24 April 2014
Gandalf the Grey
Beautifully crisp air

Autumn colour

Lily and Beatrix cycling around Lake Canoblas 24 April 2014

Freedom is

Swinging so high your feet touch the sky

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

And yes we see the irony in paying to rent a house and then camp...

Garden dancing

24 April 2014, Harper

Afternoon idyll

Let's see who lasts all night tonight. Lily the only one last night (with dad)

Old Mill Cafe

Love is

Cuddles w dad

Harper and Dad 23 April 2014

Millthorpe meanderings

Stevensons assemblage

23 April 2014


Our street in Milthorpe
23 April 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy hunters

20 April 2014

Sleep over!!!

Livy had a sleep over last night. And this morning Harper read us stories in mum and dad's bed!

20 April 2014

Queen of the rabbits

And her royal bunnie courtiers
Easter Sunday 19 April 2014

This is how we roll

At the optometrist

The incredible book eating boy

A great show at the SOH thanks to Oliver Jeffers' fantastic book. Very well realised production with lots of belly laughs for kids and puns for parents. 
14 April 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Litcho, by Lily
16 April 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014