Monday, March 31, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A break in the rain

After a long week of rain, with the associated wet school shoes and damp humour, we were super excited to go to Jasmine's party today!

29 March 2014

And don't worry the kids raced first!


We love Wednesdays when we can go to Meg and Livy's for dinner!

Wonder Woman and Mrs Claus
(O & L)
26 March 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Good mum/bad mum.

Good mum: making pancakes for kids breakfast tomorrow. 
Bad mum: ate four of them for my dinner. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

I tied this!

Harper Cooke 10 March 2014

Super coach

Harper, Lily, Leanne and Beatrix the superstars of Brighton Baths Athletics Club! 9 March 2014

Age champion

Harper came third in 5/6 girls!!
She also got most improved in her age group. 

Close of season

End of nippers 9 March 2014

Beatrix can third in beach run against all the mermaids (her age group) and the dolphins (next age group up), while Lily won the swim and board race!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Houston - we have our first wobbly tooth: Lily! Beatrix says the same tooth is wobbly for her but we can't quite tell....yet
6 March 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Little blue riding good

Lily 1 March 2014
This cape was made by jeannie when the girls were about 6 maths old. They used to sit in our local park on a picnic blanket like 3 little cosy podgy pixies. Still in use, just doesn't cover as much!!