Saturday, August 31, 2013

I cycle therefore I gelati

After a long cycle along the waterfront at Sandringham, we deserved a little chocolate lipschmick!
Lily, Beatrix, Olivia & Harper

Friday, August 30, 2013


First trip to Sizzler: check!




It's not a sunday, its a Thursday 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Harper (aka Mum learns a lesson)

The lesson for mum: do not cheer using your child's name.
27 August 2013

Why did no one tell me...

...there was a mother's race?
 Peta C and Peta X post race - we got ribbons!
Post-race lunch - Paris, Lily, Harper & Bea

Lily sights her target

27 August 2013

Beatrix in pictures

Little athletics

Getting ready for the athletics carnival - go Grevillea!
27 August 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013


At the start of Peter & The Wolf, Rhys Muldoon was describing a dream he had lost and asked the kids in the audience (2377 seats) what they had dreamt about.
Rhys: What was in your dream?
Kid: A duck
Rhys: Really?
Kid: And a wolf
Rhys: Was the duck wearing a hat?
Kid: Yes
Rhys: I must have been in your dream
Me (sotto voce): You're often in my dreams, Rhys...

Peter & The Wolf

 Pre-show noodling with Lily
Harper, Beatrix & Lily
 Beatrix in the concert hall
 Mum & Harper
Lily, William, Beatrix & Harper, 24 August 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

Last but not least

Friday, 23 August 2013
 Lily Cooke, student of the week!


Performance at K-2 assembly today was fantasic!
Not only was Lily the student of the week - she also got a silver award for merit and Harper got a gold award! 23 August 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013


 A great day with the Smarts and the Pearsons and the Spencers and the Puelma at Chatswood for the SYO. Here are 6 of 9 in attendance!
 Lily & Mum
Harper, Bea, Livy & Moo, 18 August 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Soccer awards

Go the Ramsgate U6 Bee 1s!
Bea, Paris, Gabby, Zoran (Michael), Harper, Eden, Lily & Gabby!
 Lily, 17 Sept 2013

And a very proud mum

Siblings in fairy-god-ed-ness

After our last game of U6 soccer, 17 Sept 2013

best cousins B and O

Siblings in fairy-god-ed-ness

At the markets after our last game of soccer, 17 August 2013
Beatrix & James
 Harper & James
 and best friend cuzzies B & O

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

McGrathConybeareCookeStevenson madness

 A great afternoon's fun with the MCCS crowd on their way back from the Berra
new bonds, Sophie and Lily, 14 August 2013

School run

complete with dragon story, 14 August 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013


A beautiful sunny afternoon by the Quay with Dad, Nana and Gran after seeing Ole at the Opera House! Harper led the way straight to Gelatissimo. All that pirate map reading...
11 August 2013 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday afternoon

Quiet reflection on a Friday winter's afternoon before the commute home.  Looking forward to being 5 at dinner.
9 August 2013

Student of the week!

Beatrix is student of the week for Kinder Blue!

And both Bea and Harper received silver merit certificates.  very proud
9 August 2013