Saturday, July 20, 2013


A great evening's play with SSMBA at Funtime Menai, where Olivia was in the thick of the action with Beatrix, Lily and Harper (who was in the helicopter much of the night, hence her absence from this photo...)
20 July 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

First day back at school

Beatrix and Lily compare notes with Jasmine
16 July 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

 Amazing Menagerie exhibition at the Australian Museum at the moment
 Part of a great day with our Canberra triplet buddies Hannah, Lucy and Oscar
as well as the dinosaurs! Beatrix, Harper, Lucy & Lily

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bastille Day 66

Happy birthday Gran Gran!
We didn't quite open ALL the presents for you

Sing along, 14 July 2013
Feeling posh

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Toffee lips

 After a competitive game of soccer the best place to relax is at Meggie's markets - Bea and Mum
 So many ways to eat a toffee apple - at Kyah's party - Beatrix 
 Harper at the front of the egg and spoon race

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lily * Dad

at the Naked Barista, 10 July 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Epic, dude!

An epic outing with Renee. Private showing?
9 July 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Smart Art

A great day at AGNSW with lots of new things to see...
 ....and our regular readers will be pleased to hear that Elioth Gruner's "Spring Frost" is back from Bathurst and now has some friends in the new collection section - lovely - including one of the Murrumbidgee, part of Clare and Mum's old stomping grounds!
 Seamus, Harper, and a reflective Lily


 Fairy ring at the Botans, 8 July 2013
Lily & Harper

Harper and her Monet

We went to the Art Gallery of NSW today and as we were walking out of the front door at home Harper asked "Can we see a Claude Monet painting," with Lily chiming in with "and some poppies?".  Thank you James Mayhew.
(PS it is in fact a Camille Pissaro.  Harper was not sufficiently taken by Monet's "Antibes" despite Mum, Anna and Noah going there at Easter in 2002 and climbing the very fort depicted therein!)

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Bea helps Pen celebrate her birthday
 Mum & Harper
Harper very handy in the garden - Pa surely I started the same age?
7 July 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Perfect beach weather!

Minyon Falls

Finally, a beautiful day to head into first the Whian Whian Conservation Area and then the Nightcap National Parks.

A short walk into the Minyon Falls - the noise was amazing and the glimpse of the valley floor 104m below had Mum grabbing the back of our shirts...

5 July 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013


 SE to Byron
NE to Mullum

1981 revisited

OK so Mum is reminiscing about some photo Pa and Gran took in the summer of '81 ... apparently they came on holidays to Watago's and have been regretting not purchasing the house ever since?
Beatrix, Harper and Lily
Thursday, 4 July 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

With rain clearing in the afternoon

 And on the fifth day, there was sun
...but still not warm enough for smart people to go further than knee deep...


Café fresh Byron
Monsters 3D
3 July 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Always time for...

...a little Coldplay
Montecollum, 2 July 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Boggy in Bangalow

So of course we had to have a pub lunch complete with open fire (well we had to leave the one at home for something!)