Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Serious training

 Lily joined in for the second half...
 Harper goes for goal
Talking (secret) strategy witch Coach Zoran

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Chocolate suffering

So we are still suffering from chocolaholism here... luckily Nana came today and did some beading with us to keep on the straight and narrow...
Ongoing chocolating due to Harper and Lily winning prizes in the school Easter raffle.  Luckily H shared hers with Beatrix *sigh*
Lily, Mum and Bea, 2 April 2013

Easter Show 2013: on the red eye!

harper & mum
bea & lily & dad
And what a view!

Monday, April 1, 2013

No April fool's

There really are 12 kids - would have been 13 had not Will been struck down by gastro!
1 April 2013

Chopin aspirant

Harper, 1 April 2013

Fishing prowess

It was a grey and coolish morning as the Cookes and Foxes met at Sans Souci jetty at 8am
Baby James with Grandpa and Dad

Little did they know that two hours later they would have caught a flathead, a yellow bream, a turtle and a porcupine fish! All released (or in the case of the turtle: escaped).
 The turtle's shell was as wide as a car's steering wheel: amazing example of local biodiversity.