Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013


A lovely picnic day at Heazelhurst Gallery with the Isaacs. 
30 December 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013


A wonderful Boxing day with the med crowd - was it 4 or 5 hours on the trampoline?
 Harper and Jameson
Lily & Ben, Harper

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Xmas wish

Here's hoping this Xmas wish comes true for Harper!
25 December 2014

Xmas elves at work

Santa Claus is coming to town

Rockin the fish markets

24 December 2013

Xmas haircuts

Free choice hairstyle for Xmas results in... Same same but different!!! 
18 December 2013

Happy 7th Anniversary!

16 December 2013

City of Sydney light show

14 December 2013
And our very own rockin Santa, Harper

Best in show?

14 December 2014

Xmas windows

lovely afternoon and evening of Cooke:Plowman mutual admiration
David Jones Xmas windows. 
Harper Beatrix and Lily at the QVB, 14 December 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reindeer noses

A little something for friends at school

15 December 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


 Kinder Blue in "Five Days Til Christmas", followed by RedFoo's "Ridiculous" - priceless

Kindergarten presentation day!

Our wonderful teachers for 2013, Mrs Sewell, Mrs Hayden and Miss Way 

The Kinder Blue gang

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tree is up!

With only a small window between birthday and Xmas season we are now fully in the swing! 9 December 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

First nippers!

Sunday 8 December 2013

First nippers for the season at BBAC was rained out, the. We had the broken arm weekend then the birthday party weekend, but today was a great success! Harper came second in flags, Beatrix just pipped alloy in the ironman swim and then Lily had a great board race. Yay!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

More birthday!

Just before the ballet, 5 December 2013

Birthday ballet

So we loved the dumpy stepsister and the gangly stepsister, and the prince danced really well, but what was with the planets interlude? Give us a pumpkin any day!
Thank you Kate for joining us!

5 December 2013

Birthday with family

Pre birthday ballet why not have a third round of cake? 5 December 2013