Saturday, March 24, 2012


Still the most amazing thing Andrew has built, hours of fun every week.

10 March 2012.

Captain Nick

Captain Nick and his three bosun Lily, Beatrix and Harper at the fish markets, 10 March 2012

Cooking down with a nice coconut juice.

Quiet time

Gran subdues the masses, 7 March 2012. Harper, Lily and Beatrix


After Beatrix's 20 stars excursion to Como for calimari & chips, we had a lovely play in the park.And found out that Como pool is FREE (open afternoons Oct-March).
Beatrix, Lily and Harper; 6 March 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

At peace

...with the Disney princesses, 1 March 2012.


When Dad was growing up in Bourke he had a pet goat called Tandoori. Mum finds that very amusing for some reason. Dad thinks we should get a miniature goat as a pet to keep the lawn down. Mum does not find that very funny. But all of this talk of goats encouraged me to draw one!
Harper, 1 March 2012.

Masked bandits

Beatrix, 1 March 2012

Lily. great party favour thanks Livy!

For our Canuck friends

Hockey, 28 Feburary 2012

How bananas love

1 March 2012

Two today!

A fantastic mermaid cake by Meggie Moo, 28 February 2012

Olivia being "helped" to open her presents

A bit more help.

We are anti-faction at our house

Lego time

Harper - I don't want to play with penny Wong and krudd.

Mum why?

Harper - because they are mean

Mum how are they mean?

Harper - because they fight and yell

Take note, people

New friends

Harper has made a new friend at school named Jasmine.

Jasmine's grandparents have been doing pick-up, and had to ask Mrs Blakeney: "Jasmine says she has triple friends called "Beetroot, Harper and Lily - is that true?"

24 February 2012

Telling porkies

Harper: what on earth is that?
27 February 2012.

Perfect portrait

Harper's portrait of Nana, rollers inclusive!

27 February 2012

Perfect portrait

Harper's portrait of Nana, rollers inclusive!

27 February 2012

The Botans

Rriding the train in the Botans, 26 February 2012

A weary Beatrix.


A wonderful show at the Opera House for Olivia'sbirthday - here we are with Wrinkle and Cotton and Cotton's favourite green egg. White is a beautiful production by Catherine Wheels from Edinburgh - a must see if it comes to your town.
26 February 2012.

Harbour view

Harper, Lily and Beatrix on the way to the Opera House for Livy's birthday treat, 26 February 2012

Olivia enjoying time with her cousies It's a bird, it's a plane! Well, a ferry steaming past.

Worn out not grown out

Our first experience of worn out rather than grown out -Harper's shoes 25 February 2012. Lily's followed 3 days later.


25 February 2012


Cake for Grant's birthday, 19 February 2012

A night of...

Mum and Dad about to hit the town, 18 February 2012First drinks at Ms G's
Round 2...

Boggle eyed

Harper, Lily and Beatrix, 13 February 2012

My family

Harper's drawing of Dad, Harper and Mum
13 February 2012


Harper presents the fruits of the day's labours. We hunted at the fish markets and then gathered it together at home! 12 February 2012.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Harper Bear and Lily Ghost

Lily's ghost

Harper's teddy

11 February 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

A girl's home is her castle

For Australia Day Miss Sarah brought the girls a make-your-own castle. Well, we finally got around to making it (took 3 adults). Here is Harper colouring in, 11 February 2012 And yes, three girls and a teddy do fit.

With drawbridge modification.

Master craftsmen at work.

Pizza pizza

A lovely night in Crows Nest with Cathryn, Cuppy and Clare. But could someone remind me next time that someone that has just had their gall bladder out should not have (a) haloumi entree (b) pizza then (c) tiramisu!??!?! 10 February 2012.

Bob eat your heart out!

Harper and the wheelbarrow that she constructed based on the picture on the box. Legend!
7 february 2012. And thanks to Seamus for the great birthday present!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Back at ready stady go, and straight into tennis!

OK, not immediately into tennis, as Harper says "Warm ups and stretches"!

7 February 2012


Nana bought us this frangipani at the Royal Hospital for Women's fortnightly markets while the littlies were still in the neonatal intensive care unit. Due to various events (always involving David, but variously involving a soccer ball, a toy helicopter, and parts of his body) it has always been snapped at a critical growth point. This year, however, the distraction of his own perfect son has meant there has not been the same level of frolicking in our backyard, and this beautiful plant has flowered for the first time.

Now it is Penelope's backyard that is suffering ;-)

Zero gravity

A great time at Fox with the Smarts today. Beatrix, Lily and Harper all getting some good air.
4 February 2012.