Friday, December 30, 2011


The art

The artist
1 December 2011

Stacks on

30 November 2011 - Harper, Beatrix and Lily

Black Crowes

27 November 2011

Xmas with the Club

At the Club Xmas party at Carss party: Harper, Bea, Mum, Lily, Meggie Moo and Miss Olivia

On the fire truck. As Beatrix said: the reindeer would have gotten stuck in the trees!

Harper and Beatrix in the petting zoo!

Security arrangements

Lily going to bed: You can't kiss me, mum - the door is closed to my bed so my babies don't get out!


Harper and her crocodile

Harper, Lily, Beatrix and Dad at Kyeemagh

Lily, Dad, Harper and Lily

26 November 2011



26 November 2011

Xmas craft

Getting ready, a month to go! 25 November 2011 Beatrix



Nana's birthday

23 November 2011


Beatrix, Harper and Lily, 19 November 2011. And yes, that is a wave!

Bra bras

A lovely day at the Bra with Caroline and Miss Sophie. With Harper

Sophie and Beatrix, 18 November 2011.

Nana's party

A great night for Nana's birthday - out in the big city for tapas!Harper
En famille


Hanging with my gnomies

Beatrix, Olivia, Harper and Lily, 19 November 2011.


Lily, Beatrix and Harper On our school excursion to the zoo! 15 November 2011.


Beatrix, Harper and Lily 18 November 2011

Ken Done has nothing on me

Beatrix with her new approach to usign watercolours. 16 November 2011.

Seamus is 4!

Harper, Beatrix, William and Lily at Seamus' party, 12 November 2011
Beatrix with the wind through her hair on the way home.