Sunday, October 30, 2011

Absolutely batty

It's an ordinarly afternoon in the land of fairies and princesses, and Beatrix is hanging upside down on her mother's lap

Mum What are you doing?
Bea Hanging around like a bat.

Oh, of course.

23 October 2011

If the hat fits...

Concerned that she has outgrown her beannie? Not Beatrix, when a pair of stockings will do the job! Beatrix, Grandad and Lily, 24 October 2011.

Backyard picnic

Dining al fresco, 24 October 2011. Grandad, Harper, Dad, Beatrix and Lily

Lily and Grandad

Beatrix and Grandad

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tea with Grandad

Grandad, Beatrix, Lily and Harper having afternoon tea after preschool, 24 October 2011

Mum leaves the house?

At the Australian Multiple Birth Association Convention with Lisa Allen, 21 October 2011

The magic of an icy pole

Lily, Stephanie and Beatrix

Hard to tell who is best pleased with the circumstances!!

Lily and Grandad

Lily teasing Grandad

The whole crew - Lily, Beatrix, Stephanie, Seamus and Harper!

Water fairies

21 October 2011. Special days with the Smarts.

Pirrima park

A lovely morning in Pyrmont with the smarts! 21 October 2011

Harper figures out how to work the tapBeatrix and GrandadLily on the swings Beatrix wetting my seat after going through the fountains
20 October 2011

Cuddles with Grandad

Yay! Grandad is here for a week! Beatrix and Grandad, 17 October 2011.
A lovely afternoon stroll at Brighton with Aunty Pen and Baby James (whom Beatrix has said she is going to marry).
Harper, Beatrix and Lily, 15 October 2011.

What's your name?

At the shops Renee and Beatrix were sitting down while we others were getting fruit and vegies.

An old(er) man comes up to Renee, and says: Excuse me is your name Beatrix
Renee: No, but this is Beatrix
Bea grins
Man: Do you want to know why I ask?
Renee, pondering: Yes?
Man: because her name tag is on your back!

13 October 2011


Here are some of the latest art works to return from preschool!
Beatrix's lizard.Harper's possum Lily's family

Thursday, October 27, 2011


On our way out for dinner at the surf club - the whole gang!Thanks Megs for the tip about Massimo's! Our only regret is not going more times every day. Mum likes lychee!

8 October 2011

Sunny again

But the rain didn't keep us out of the water for long! here is Lily - SWIMMING ON HER OWN!!

Beatrix and Nana - almost there!

And Harper "Goldie the Goldfish" Cooke

8 October 2011.

Rain rain go away

A rainy start to day 2 of our holiday (the girls' first hailstorm), we headed to through the storm to the cafe for respite.

Gran and Beatrix

Dad and Harper Mum and an unwilling Lily

Harper, Beatrix and Lily


Here were are on the afternoon we arrived, in our new togs (thanks Gran) ready to hit the pool!'
At the pool!
The view from our balcony - no crocodiles but lots of people fishing!

Harper, Lily and Beatrix

En route

On 7 October 2011, dad whisked us away to "Benedorm" for a lovely weekend away to celebrate passing his primary exams.
Harper following the captain's orders

Beatrix considering the in-flight magazine

"Can I put my toys in this bag?"


After the zoo we had a lovely lunch at Darling Harbour. The laydeez got to share a SB...

While we got to "lax" in these pod chairs! Everyone's a winner. Beatrix. Lily, Gran and Harper

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wild World

A lovely day at the city zoo with our best buddies and benefactors. Lily and Sarah

Rachael and Harper Gran and Beatrix
And the proof that there were animals. 7 week old emu chicks!

3 October 2011

Bug eyed

Relaxing with Dad

2 October 2011

Balancing act

There's always time to have a quick balance on the way home from Gran's!
A great picture by Lily
2 October 2011

Harper on fire

Harper had a very busy day today, building at Gran's...
...and drawing and writing at home.

Rightly proud!

1 October 2011