Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The party

Dad even let us help blow out his candles

and then we played pin the tail on the donkey

Dad's birthday!

1 May 2011. Here we are helping Dad with his presents

Harper in the garden
Beatrix and Lily after getting "married"

Making Dad's cake


We are often farty, and sometimes farty. Sorry about the neck craning - can't get them to road in the right aspect. Beatrix "rainbow".

Harper "Eggs"

Lily "Farm". 30 April 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

One girl in a boat

It must be genetic as all of the younger generation seem attracted to washing baskets! 30 April 2011Livy and Beatrix doing some work at Gran's
After our bath at Gran's. Nice mask, Gran and nice ballet shoes, Lily.

New boots

Here we are with our new boots on. So to recap - New winter shoes: check. New slippers: check. New boots: check. Eat your heart out Imelda - no wonder we look so happy!

28 April 2011

The old "up the jumper" trick again

We really liked this as babies, and you can see Lily still likes it!

We had a lovely visit from and dinner with Matt and Char - we had forks AND knives! And we made Char do EVERYTHING with us INCLUDING get up and down and up and down and up and down from the floor, despite her beautifully growing bump. 26 April 2011.

Downward dog...ish

Harper, 25 April 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easter - the next step

Beatrix in her bonnet devouring down to the bunny's chin

Harper calculating how to get value for volume

And of course, the Easter dance!

Easter - The hunt

Beatrix on the hunt, 24 April 2011. What style!

Lily on the lookout (check out the chocolate chipmunk cheeks).Harper with her bounty.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fish markets on Easter Saturday

Singapore Chilli Crab, 23 April 2011. And Harper tried some!

But generally we stuck to fish and chips - we love putting lemon on our chips.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Michelin stars

Conversation over dinner
Lily - Mumma this is yummy
Mum - Dad is a good cook
Lily - Because we are the Cooke family!
Everybody laughs