Saturday, April 23, 2011

Livy gets her loot

The girls give Livy her showbag, 22 April 2011. And she's pretty happy!


Preaster - that period prior to Easter when children go chocolate crazy and think that "tomorrow" is always going to be Easter Sunday. Friday, 22 April 2011. Harper at our new local, Swallow.



Max the gorgeous

We had a lovely day at Sydney Park with Max, Ally and William (or "Big William" as we call him, as he is at big school). Here is Max with Renee - they were competing as to who was happier w the situation!

Harper, Ally, Cathryn, Max, Lily, Beatrix, William and Nee's sexy legs. 21 April 2011.

Ally, Cathryn, Cathryn's new best friend and Harper

Three grey elephants balancing, step by step on a piece of string. Thought it was such a wonderful stunt that they called for another elephunt.

Easter show: rides


We lasted from 10am to 4pm, a day of non-stop action, and rounded it off with our second maerry-g-round ride. We saw 2 lots of people we knew (both families with multiples) and other than the animal nursery liked the freestyle motorbike show best. Go figure!! Thanks Mum and Dad!

Easter show: the CWA tearoom saved my life

After a lot of excitement Mum and Dad were VERY pleased to be in the expert hands of the CWA for their cup of tea. Their devastation that the scone oven was broken was overcome by the quality of the lamingtons.

Oh, and it gave us a chance to look at all the loot from our dora showbags.
This was our favourite display in the food hall - urban gardens by SE Qld. 18 April 2011.

Easter show: animal nursery

Dad and Lily at the animal nursery. At $1 for a cup of food you certainly get value for money!
Harper and Beatrix being brave with a big sheep

Lily asking a lamb if she wants to come home with us Beatrix and Lily with my favourite - black face sheep (ah lovely holidays with Clare and with Jeannie and Gran in the Lakes District)

Dad, Lily, Beatrix and Harper

Lily and the oteher cute kid

Friday, April 22, 2011


Mixmaster, by Harper.
Could she be the next Leonardo Da Vinci (without the spooky albino...)? 17 April 2011.

Family dinners

Every night the girls now ask if we are having a "family dinner", eating together. Here we are after our homemade pizza. Thanks to Juzi for the recipe! 17 April 2011.


What is it with Lily and unusual containers? 17 April 2011

Seaside dining

Along with Aunty Pen and Uncle David we joined Grandad for breakfast at his hotel, 17 April 2011And generally made the staff swoon.

Street art

Spotted by Beatrix on the way to breakfast, 17 April 2011.


How happy are we to have rediscovered our slippers? Just a pity that we look like westies in our shortie nighties! Lily and Beatrix, 17 April 2011.

Rabbit park

Usually Dragon Park, but it is everything rabbit at our house at the moment! Mum, Lily, Beatrix, Harper and Grandad, 15 April 2011

Mum and Beatrix in the fairy garden. Three little maids from school are we...

Dad and Lily

Bunny and Bea

4 out of 5 Cookes in picture isn't bad! Grandad, Dad, Harper and Lily


Here we are making the dye for the eggs......that we then stickered within an inch of their lives!
This crazy lady looks a bit like Renee, but it's her tray of playdough rabbits that have my attention! 14 April 2011

Disproving the myth

The teachers at school said that mum and dad need to get us to do more craft at home as I "don;'t like painting". Who are they kidding? Lily, 14 April 2011.Beatrix considering her subject.Harper.Grandad and Lily making homes for all of the horse stickers. Our firsthot cross buns (a miracle given they hit the shops in Feb!)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Legs akimbo

11 April 2011

Grandad's here!

Grandad has come for a visit from Adelaide! We picked him up from the airport and didn't leave him alone til we went to bed. 11 April 2011
And we want to be just like him. So we put our shoes in his room, just like his!

Home day

6 April 2011

Easter art

Our letters to the Easter Bunny.
H, L, B

6 April 2011


Celebrating the end of term 1 with sushi with Nanna. 5 April 2011.