Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gingerbread men

23 February 2011
"Mum I made ginger-sumos!"


20 February 2011

This couch has so many functions - hotel room, shop front, library...


19 February 2011

Enjoying a sly smartie bickie after our swimming class, sans parents. We think that our teacher Kate is lovely, and the other person in our class Zac is nice and blows good bubbles, and we like the toys we get to peg around the pool. But the whole swimming without parents thing - not so keen. But we're working on it!

King of the castle

18 February 2011
Mud pie park, Lily, Harper and Beatrix
We got to play with the lovely Shayna, Tameka and Corbin today - they were just 2 and they are "tripletwins" like us! We let them share our spades and buckets but because they are littlerest, we had to show them how to use everything. And then there were the people who "borrowed" one of our buckets to give their dog some water ...?!??!?!?!?

Princess diaries

17 February 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Solo show

12 February
"Tiger fighting with a teddy bear (in its bed)", Beatrix

GG returns

11 February 2011

After a lovely lunch with Gran at the Peacock Trattoria, GG came to play!


11 February 2011
Carss Park

Dad and Harper

Naneta and Lily

Sunshine smiles

10 February 2011

Private moment

8 February 2011
Beatrix having a private moment


7 February 2011

"Monster", Beatrix

"Caterpillar", Harper


6 February 2011

Beatrix, Sarah and Lily

Tuckered out after an afternoon's playing


6 February 2011

Fasionista or literati*?

* is Latin dictionary

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ring a rosies

Pyrmont, 4 February 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011


4 February 2011

While the temperatures soared, we had a great morning at Pyrmont with the Smarts.

As you can see, Harper is taking her duties as fairy-god-sister-once-removed very seriously! Luckily Stephanie likes a cuddle!

Coffee was great but the new raspberry splices were even better. Thanks Aunty Clare!

Brush phobia

3 February 2011

We are working on our dislike of having our hair done, especially as Mum says that we *have* to have it done for school, gymnastics and swimming. But when I asked our teacher...

Lily and Beatrix

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Two

1 February 2011, making a gingerbread house after school with Naneta

After school

31 January 2011

And here were are relaxing after school. We did go and play in the cubby after a while:

Harper: Hey Beatrix!
Beatrix: Me mumma Sally
Harper: Hey Mummy Stela
Beatrix: No mummy Salla. Mummy Silly! MUMMY SALLY!

At school

31 January 2011

And here we are playing at school!

First day of pre-school!!!

31 January 2011
Off for our first day at pre-school. We're going two days a week and we like our teacher Miss Karen: she reads good books.
Mum asked us about our day, and whether Miss Karen had read us a book.
Harper: we read a book about an octopus.
Lily: a shark sacared him
Beatrix: but starfish not scared
Mum: and did you make any friends?
Harper: yes Lily and Beatrix
Mum asked us yesterday what we want to be when we grow up. Of course we hadn't started school then yet, but this is what we said:
Harper: fairy dancer
Lily: truck driver
Beatrix: a leopard

Chinese New Year

30 January 2011

Continuing the family tradition, the 5 Cookes went for yum cha for Chinese New Year with Meggie Moo, Livy and Gran, this time in Maroubra. Chocolate mousse, you ask? Tres Chinoise!

Our "normal" smiles

28 January 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is it once removed or another degree?

27 January 2011

A lovely visit with cousins Maggie and Alison, here with Harper

Harper, Alison, Lily, Mum, Beatrix and Maggie

Black swan

Natalie Portman, eat your heart out.

16 January 2011

The return of 1979

22 January 2011
Birthday present from Cuppy is put to good use by Mum and Dad. How embarassing!
Rest of us? Not so keen as yet...

Bananas Gorilla

Thank you Richard Scarry and all of Busy Town. 10 January 2011

More squishing

21 January 2011

So now we've started we won't stop squishing on!

Train to the Shire

20 January 2011

On the train to the Shire

Lily and Renee

Harper and Beatrix
A very fashionable commuter

A bit of a squish

17 January 2011
While we used to fit comfortably on the black chair in our nursery, now it's a bit of a squish!
Lily, Harper and Beatrix


17 January 2011
Day's crop = 17 passionfruits