Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gallery dining

15 January 2011

Livy with some lovely (if squishy) peach at the gallery cafe

The girls ate al fresco while we were waiting for Meggie Moo


15 January 2011
Art Gallery of New South Wales

In the colonial art gallery. When we arrived we told the girls to look for a cow - I expected that they would spot one immediately in "Spring Frost" (Mum's favourite painting, shared with GG), but it was on loan to the regional gallery in Armidale! Believe it or not there is a small bovine in this picture.

And here we are admiring one of Shane's favourite sculptors

We also played hide and seek with Gran, and took a snack break in the foyer.


14 January 2011

Harper and her tower of passionfruit

Beatrix and Lily at Dolls Point

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The deal is done: Part 2

12 January 2011. At three pm one of the Three Wise Men (who happens to work with Mum and who's pseudonym is Hernan) called Harper and told her that the dummy had arrived and thank you very much (at least that was what he was meant to say but it was hard to understand he was laughing so much).

So here is Harper with her Santa; dissecting it; running away to keep her sisters from having any more (she did give them some) and the end effect. YAY!

The deal is done: Part 1

11 January 2011
You may recall from The Deal and Christmas Morning that we had made a deal with Harper under which if she gave her dummy to Baby J, she would get a big chocolate Santa.
After it failed to eventuate (last minute unwrapping on Xmas Eve), the older negotiating party put forward a less favourable proposal: Harper had to mail her dummy to Baby J in Bethlehem and when it arrived the next day she would get a call from the Three Wise Men (at the North Pole: Harper) and she could then get the Santa.
Here is Part 1 - the posting. Thank you Aus Post Bexley. Harper wrote her name ("H") on the back and a letter that said /\////\\// (translation: Dear Baby J from Harper)

Marble cake

10 January 2011
A visit from Gwen introduced the phenomenon that is marble cake to the girls - but how do get the pink in there, Mum?

...and eating homemade banana and strawberry "icecream" (why they have to stand on the chairs to have the photo taken, I can't tell you...)

Role modelling

You can have all the cars, trucks, blocks, building kits, bikes and balls in the world, but it's all about what they see!
Harper, 9 January 2011

Steel park

Thanks to Cath and Di for inviting us to the fantastic new water park in Marrickville! We had a great day out.
8 January 2011.

And were lucky to be joined by Meggie Moo and Olivia later in the morning!

Hippy girl

Harper, 7 January 2011

We have
1. favourite PJS from Sarah and Rach and Noah - MUST be worn unless can be SEEN on the LINE
2. bestest necklace from true love Jett
3. fairy dancer skirt
4. headband from princess outfit from Meggie Moo
= a classic

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Late addition

Hattie just sent this one through from the 29th. What a great day it was!

And check out the undies! All going well on toilet training: Harper is focused on the end game and does poos in every toilet we pass for the reward. Lily has an iron-bladder and waits til the last moment. Beatrix goes little and often just so she can get 1-on-1 time with me/Andrew as she likes to have a look read to her!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mumford & Sons

New Year's Day


1 January 2011
Here we are painting pictures for Oma - they are in the post! Just don't ask us to paint in more than one colour!
Harper, Lily and Beatrix

Ms Cremer

29 December 2010
A wonderful visit for afternoon tea with Jacki and Gordon - we were pleased to be able to show Gordon some good weather, and hope he is impressed enough by the result in the Ashes to be planning a return trip to Sydney!
PS the skipping ropes are a hit.

Famous 5

29 December 2010, Fairlight
At the famous 5 festive lunch, Harpe, Lily and Beatrix devour Cuppy's cupcakes - a cunning way to get them to pose in their Christmas dresses!
On the trampoline .
Maya, Alix, Nick, Beatrix, Lily, Peta, Mick, Ella, Seamus, Sophie (bottom), Ally (top), Clare, Stephanie, Cathryn, William, Max, Cathryn, Harper, Brian and Eliza. 9G:3B.

Beatrix idolising Ella

Stacks on

Cronulla, 28 December 2010

Harper, Beatrix, Lily and Dad

Monday, January 3, 2011


Arty farty, that is. Some of our tomato crop.

Second Christmas

27 December 2010
Second Christmas, as Dad had to work on the first one. A lovely day joined by Nanna, Gran, Meggie Moo, Olivia, David, Penelope and the older Foxes too

Harper and her favourite present (after Baby Pinga) - her jewellry box from Uncle Nick!

Boxing Day

26 December 2010
A rainy Boxing day - well, it only rained a little, but we took full advantage of it, and followed it up with jelly on the deck


25 December 2010
Harper's first contstruction effort with the new Matador kit direct from Vienna

Christmas Day

25 December 2010

Christmas at Gran's

Uncle John and Mum

The girls and Uncle John

Baby Pinga, Harper and Mum

The four cousins - Beatrix, Harper, Olivia and Lily
My only photo of the Christmas dresses!

Beatrix: Harper, what are you thinking with that outfit? Princess meets catwoman?
Harper: You can't talk. Beatrix, with your high school musical meets kings cross number!