Friday, December 30, 2011


The art

The artist
1 December 2011

Stacks on

30 November 2011 - Harper, Beatrix and Lily

Black Crowes

27 November 2011

Xmas with the Club

At the Club Xmas party at Carss party: Harper, Bea, Mum, Lily, Meggie Moo and Miss Olivia

On the fire truck. As Beatrix said: the reindeer would have gotten stuck in the trees!

Harper and Beatrix in the petting zoo!

Security arrangements

Lily going to bed: You can't kiss me, mum - the door is closed to my bed so my babies don't get out!


Harper and her crocodile

Harper, Lily, Beatrix and Dad at Kyeemagh

Lily, Dad, Harper and Lily

26 November 2011



26 November 2011

Xmas craft

Getting ready, a month to go! 25 November 2011 Beatrix



Nana's birthday

23 November 2011


Beatrix, Harper and Lily, 19 November 2011. And yes, that is a wave!

Bra bras

A lovely day at the Bra with Caroline and Miss Sophie. With Harper

Sophie and Beatrix, 18 November 2011.

Nana's party

A great night for Nana's birthday - out in the big city for tapas!Harper
En famille


Hanging with my gnomies

Beatrix, Olivia, Harper and Lily, 19 November 2011.


Lily, Beatrix and Harper On our school excursion to the zoo! 15 November 2011.


Beatrix, Harper and Lily 18 November 2011

Ken Done has nothing on me

Beatrix with her new approach to usign watercolours. 16 November 2011.

Seamus is 4!

Harper, Beatrix, William and Lily at Seamus' party, 12 November 2011
Beatrix with the wind through her hair on the way home.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


What happens when you watch the episode of Playschool playing at 11am on 11.11.11"Pants" (Harper)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Blues Sisters

Too cool for school Lily

Oh Beatrix you gave the game away!

Breakfast al fresco, 8 November 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011


A lovely dinner with Aunty Dave and "Enelope" (as Lily has recently taken to saying). Beatrix, Lily, Enelope and Harper.
6 November 2011.

Lah Lah's Big Live Band...

...has nothing to worry about in terms of competition from the Cooke Band!

6 November 2011

Shelly Park

A lovely morning with the family Isaacs at Shelly Park - Dashiel is growing so fast!

We had a lovely swim at the baths (sea slugs, star fish, crabs) and then played in the park. Harper and Dash.

Lily, Harper and Benji

Beatrix. 6 November 2011.


And then after class we went to this really big shed where there were all these amazing old doors, windows, and whole staircases in the middle of nowhere. Mum saw lots of things she liked. Now she just needs the house to fit them in! But we still didn't find what we're looking for.
5 November 2011.

Things we grow

TomatoesSweet peas Babies. What a blast from the past! Congrats to Kate B for her involvement in this very important publication!

4 November 2011 (with some help from December 2007)

The old haunts

Today we went back to one of our old haunts, Jubilee Park. We loved coming here when we were crawling adn toddling, and proved today that it is still fun when you are ALMOST FOUR! Harper and Mr Fox Lily feeding Snow White - good to see that the local community is supportive of breastfeeding in public!

Having a 'cino after a hard morning's play - H, L and B.

Beatrix takes Ariel for a swing While Harper takes Mr Fox on the slide. Friday 4 November 2011.

Julia (aka the PM)

Dad and the girls picked me up from work tonight after having fish & chips by the beach.

As we drove out of the city who should we pass leaving the Governor's residence in car C1 but the Prime Minister!

I waved and said "Hello Julia" and she waved back.

Beatrix said "That was a funny car Julia was driving". Classic.

Remembrance Day - Friday, 11.11.11

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Watching The Tale of Desperaux

Scrapes and bruises

I was getting out of the shower at 6.42am this morning and heard a yell and then crying. They're awake!

What's wrong, I ask
Harper replies: It's not fair! Lily says she has more sores than me and she doesn't!

Editors note: only scrapes, not infectious!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Spooky Halloween!

Here is our spooky pumpkin! And here are our spookiest faces ever! 31 October 2011