Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Harper, 27 September 2010

Dragon Park

27 September 2010 at Dragon Park

Dad and Harper

Lily and Beatrix
Lily: Dad you are my best friend in the whole world

Harper, Lily and Bea
Harper: Mum you are the wide mum in the best world.

27 September 2010
Mum: Let's go to the park Harper, out of the rocking chair!
Harper: I'm just warming it up for my baby!


26 September 2010

The 4 little Carters at the markets with Aunty Moo. A great success for a first time at the Bondi Markets! BUY BUY BUY

A breakfast date

25 September 2010

With Beatrix having a little fever we skipped swimming and had brekkie with our besties!
Lily, Uncle David and Beatrix

Harper and Renee

Beatrix and Aunty Pen


24 September 2010
Lily giving Harper some encouragement with her fantastic pedalling
Beatrix going great guns
Trio of trikes

Homemade icecream

September 2010 - homemade banana and strawberry icecream!


Harper, 20 September 2010

Clontarf 2

Dry, dry, dry...

Wet, wet, wet...


19 September 2010 with the Hissink, Smart and Spencers!

Byron H

Stephanie S


Dad, Beatrix, Lily and Harper
18 September 2010

Chilean Independence Day

18 September 2010, at the Chilean Independence Day festival at Brighton
We loved the jumping castle...some of the time. Harper

Beatrix all the time

and Lily all the time.
But our favourite thing was playing with cousin Olivia!
...when we weren't eating banana cake, that is!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


16 September 2010

Lily sharing her rings with Livy...reluctantly...

...but when it makes someone this happy, who can resist!


15 September 2010.
Bring on the princesses, as long as they're not Disney!

Cronulla spring fair

12 September 2010

Beautiful spring weather and mum and Nee took us to the spring fair. I don't know why they tried to get us to look at the animals, or lay with balloons, when all we wanted to do was watch the dancing girls. Now we know what we want to be when we grow up!
Beatrix, Lily, Mum and Harper watching L&M Dance and Tumbling (our favourites - nothing like 4 year olds doing the Time Warp)

Flying high
And the sequel - flying high two.
Harper: My wheel dowsn't work
Beatrix: It's just run out of batteries - I'll fix it.

Belated father's day

11 September 2010\

Livy bouncing for joy at our belated father's day lunch at Gran's

Beatrix jealous she's too big for the jolly jumper

Harper keeping Livy entertained

Harper and Lily

3 + 3

10 September 2010
Our first play date with Clem - three Aherne Handlers and three Cookes, but all focussed on the task at hand here
Lily, Beatrix, Harper, Rufus and Archie

Our new skills - rolling down the hill. Bit it's a bit hard with a crown on.


9 September 2010
Gran found Mum's old farm animals - they're the best! What is Mum worried about them being too small for us under-3s? And why does she worry that as soon as we walk in the door at Gran's we ask for a biscuit? Really!

Squashy kiss

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hi Gran!

6 September 2010

The day after father's day

6 September 2010

Father's day quiz: What is daddy's job?
H: making work
B: building cubby
L: being daddy

Lily and Beatrix climbing the curly slide

Dad and Pa having a chat

Harper and Pa

Playing tea parties