Friday, July 23, 2010

Stacks on

We had a lovely brunch today with Aaron and Olga in Surrey Hills. Mum and Dad had promised us a play in Centennial Park but it poured with rain so we went to the super centre instead. So we had a bit of excess energy by the time we reached the cafe!
Andrew, Lily Beatrix, Aaron and Harper


1. Lily pulling her seahorse face

2. Harper's "other" face


We were SO LUCKY! Our NBFs* Sarah and Rachael took us to the Sydney Aquarium. We had the best time. Beatrix liked the sting rays best, as they swam over her head (yet chose a penguin when we were in the shop) - here she is watching underwater with Sarah.
Here were are - Beatrix, Lily and Harper - watching the penguins. Harper liked the sharks best (but chose a turtle) and Lily liked the penguins (but chose a sea-horse...go figure!)
Mum liked all the aminals [sic] but we think she liked lunch best.
Here is Rachael with Beatrix and her penguin
Here is Harper (sitting on her turtle)
Here is Lily and her seahorse
And here we all are rockign our toys to sleep (the ladies and their NZ SB are off screen to the right)
Thank you so much Sarah and Rachael!

Coogee sunshine

At Coogee with Livvy and Meggie Moo, 2 July 2010.

It's hard to get a cuddle with Gran around!

After a lovely fish and chip picnic - Gran, Harper, Lily, Beatrix and Meggie Moo

Last day of gymnastics

Last day of gymnastics for the term, 1 July 2010

Lily, Beatrix, Harper and Lexi


Dad is a founding member of the Olivia admiration society! At Sydney Park, 28 June 2010

And Meggie's new shoe businesss - Livvy's Shoos - is progressing apace! See here for the latest styles.

Beatrix, Lily and Harper going uphill...
Harper, Mum and Meggie Moo going downhill... (nice curly shadow H!)

A new paradise

At Sydney Park, 27 June 2010

Lily and Beatrix rule the roost on the longest slide we have ever seen!

Lily, Dad, Beatrix and Harper

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The beautiful Smarts

25 June 2010 at Maroubra
Stephanie and Lily

Seamus and Beatrix

Computer literate

21 June 2010
At the photo kiosk - who knows what they printed!!

In the gardens

21 June 2010

At the EG Waterhouse National Camellia Gardens - where we went on the train (kompan), super-sized see-saw, pirate ship and floated leaf boats down the waterfalls

L, H and B

Canberra (came to us)

20 June 2010

Susan and Dolores came up to see Gran and we were lucky enough to have lunch with them! Lots of sausages - yummo!

Beatrix and Susan

Lily and Olivia - Livvy's first time in a highchair!

Dolores and Olivia


We really enjoyed having Juzi to ourselves - with Benj at pre-school and Dash asleep we paraded her around Cronulla and showed her off at HAM. Yay!

18 June 2010

Winter play

18 June 2010
At Cronulla for a play date but the forecast 15*C kept others away! Silly as it was beautiful in the sun!


Harper, Beatrix and Lily watching the waves and looking for crabs in the rock pools.


14 June 2010

Reading the beautiful alphabet book that Gran made for our second birthday

Harper doing her fairy dance