Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Renee: Hey Lily, look at those dogs with the big ears - they might be part dingo.
Lily: No, Nay, part rabbit.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A story and a major development

The girls are reading in bed now, and select theie own book every night. Tonight, Beatrix selected Tess of the D'urbervilles and Lily the "Multiple pregnancy sourcebook". Harper tells her own stories - this morning "Lily ate all of the sausages. Don't open the oven the chicken is in there".

And the major development - a poo on the loo, by the youngest in the house! Go Harper!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Going away

H: I'm going away Mum. You annoying me.
L: Good bye Harp.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


12 June 2010
Harper at work. Note eyes, ears, mouth and 4 legs! 2 years, 6 months and 1 week.

Pearl Barley

9 June 2010
Beatrix and Lily doing their "Pearl Barley" smiles - see here. Thanks to Gran for buying the book


8 June 2010
Harper, Mum., Lily and Beatrix


Lily, 8 June 2010

Mary Nelson: knitting legend

8 June 2010

Admire and appreciate the beautiful knits from Mary this winter! We get compliments everywhere we go - it's so tempting to try and take the glory for myself, but I give in...Thank you Mary!

Beatrix, Harper and Lily

Royal dining

7 June 2010

Ever since we looted Naneta's craft bag to make our crowns, we haven't wanted to take them off! But we don't demand to be treated like royalty...much! clockwise Beatrix, Harper and Lily


Lily, 6 June 2010
Dad always did like the 3 Musketeers

The ABCD song

4 June 2010

Some people call it the alphabet song, or the ABC song, but in our house it will always be the ABCD song.


2 June 2010

Lily, Beatrix and Harper

Mum tells us that growing up she and Aunty Moo used to play this board game called Gnomes, but she's a little lost when it comes to the detail.

But whenever we walk to Ali's shop we go past the park and then past the gnome house, where there are seven gnomes, four frogs and a pretty lady in the garden. We're not allowed in, but we do like to sit and watch and tell stories about them.

In the salon

Monkey see, monkey do
31 May 2010


Having brunch with Penelope and David at Alexander's. I know that it looks like we are ladies who lunch, but it is only to feed mum's addiction. And we love how the waiters fawn over us, and they always give us marshmallows and we never share with Dad.
29 May 2010

Tempe time

Mum, Beatrix, Lily and Harper at Rosa's - where they don;t mind how noisy or messy we are. And we can still see the freight train line!
28 May 2010

Construction zone

25 May 2010
Lily, Beatrix, Renee and Harper

Stacks on

9 May 2010