Sunday, May 30, 2010

Look alikes

And who does this look like? Perhaps here?

The beautiful Olivia at 3 months

24 May 2010

Bathing beauties

23 May 2010
Lily and Beatrix

Which triplets?

23 May 2010

HOM play date rained out and we relocated to the mall for a cup of tea

There were 3 sets of triplets, and one of twins. Here are Jo, Narrelle, Peta and Danielle - which 3 are the triplet mums, channelling triplets themselves?

Air in my hair

21 May 2010

Lily channelling Brigitte Bardot


20 May 2010

Still not feeling so good, so some time at home was in order.

Beatrix, Mum, Lily & Harper

Lily in her favourite place

Lah Lah at the Opera House

19 May 2010

Even though Beatrix and Lily had gastro last night, we won't let it keep us from our kultcha!

We saw Lah Lah as part of the baby proms at the Opera House - and then sat on the prom(enade) and waited to be seen!




Dad, Lily, Beatrix, Harper and the vista


15 May 2010

At Alexander's in Kogarah

Lily and Beatrix

Harper and Mary

Beanie babies

13 May 2010
Out while there's a break in the rain at English St
Dad and Beatrix

Lily, Dad and Beatrix


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The mimic

Lily to Renee: High five!


L: Teamwork!
25 May 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day

9 May 2010
Gran, Moo and Olivia
Naneta and Beatrix

Night tigers

8 May 2010
We went for a walk in the dark to look for night tigers with our torches. Found: 3 dogs, 2 cats, a bat, birds (heard not seen).

In the day garden

At the Hazelburst Regional Gallery
6 May 2010

There was a great show of artists who made a group visit to North Island (NZ), a great pond with gold fish and cups of tea!

And we got to see some REAL artists painting. Not quite as good as us, they just need to practice more.

At the Bra

3 May 2010
Beatrix and Gran walk the beat at Maroubra after brunch with Olivia and Meggie Moo

And then we went whirly crazy. But what teamwork, what cooperation!

Summer or winter?

Is it summer or winter? We have singlets on, and are reluctant to put any clothes over the top...

Harper, Beatrix and Lily
2 May 2010

Dad's birthday

For dad's birthday we took him to our swimming lesson and didn't dislike it too much, so we gave him a big hug.
Then we went for brekkie, and we let him have a bite of his pancakes!
Then we shared the cake that we made him - we let him have a piece (which he regretted - there is only so much beating that cake batter should have).

What a great birthday!


At Nanna's, 25 April 2010
Harper, Lily and Beatrix

Bea and Lily being Dad's little babies

Dance of the sugar plum fairies

23 April 2010

Neutral Bay play days open for business again

Yay yay William, Ally, Cathryn and Ben are back from Brisvegas and we all went to their park to celebrate.

See Clare with 6 kids - Harper, Beatrix, Stephanie, Lily, Ally and Will!

Lily (wearing one of my old dresses - thanks Granma Moo!)


Beatrix (ditto)

Beatrix, Harper, Will and Lily


We walked all the way to the store (largely without incident) and were rewarded with strange crumbling Italian-esque biscuits that we had to promptly sit down and consume, jam filling and cherry on top and all.
19 April 2010


Dad: Who's that?
Beatrix: Dad
Dad: And who's that?
Beatrix: Little little daddy
Dad: No, it's David!