Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last moments the sole remaining 34 year old of the famous five.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The difference a good camera makes

22 March 2010

At the EG Waterhouse National Camellia Gardens at a SSMBA play date, Sam's great photos have convinced Mum to get a new camera - now we just have to choose which one!

Last moments

21 March 2010

Last holiday moments, having a cup of tea after swimming at Macmasters.

Lily, Harper and Beatrix

Al fresco

21 March 2010

Dining al fresco with a special visitor in the local bush turkey. Now we can name six birds: kookaburra, cockatoo, magpie, mynah, stinky ibis and bush turkey!


Harper at Copa

Construction zone

20 March 2010
Even on holidays dad can't help building...

Until he throws in his hat!

Penelope and Harper

Harper brings Bea and Mum some shells

Happy days

20 March 2010

Mum and Pa

Macmasters beach

20 March 2010



Harper a picture of concentration

At full pace

19 March 2010

Intrepid explorer

19 March 2010

Front and back

19 March 2010
Beatrix and Harper

How to throw a rock in 3 easy steps

19 April 2010

Our beach

19 March 2010

North end of Copa

Dave and Pen arrive!
Lily and Mum

Harper and Beatrix

On holidays!

18 March 2010
On holidays at Copacabana - what a great time we had! and so many of our toys were there - it was like magic! On the back deck.

And this fella was a regular visitor at meal times... with all of his mates!

Night-time in the cubby

16 March 2010

OK, so we like to be in the cubby ALL the time, day or night, mozzies, rain, shine.

Whether we are selling something from the shop...

Or just hanging, we LOVE IT!


14 March 2010
A very special load of washing

Cubby completed!

14 March 2010

After a number of months and hundred of dad-hours of hard yakka, the construction of the cubby is complete!! We are SO impressed.

Harper climbs the stairs - her reaction is "WOW Dad!"

Lily enters the cubby itself - what's that in the corner?

Beatrix finds the seat!

Playing on the verandah

And making proper use of the seat - always a competition as to who gets there first.

Andrew, you are amazing.

Uncle John

Carss Park, 14 March 2010

Beatrix and her favourite Grand Uncle

Mum with her favourite uncle and Pa

Harper and Lily with Dad and Pa (not wearing their matching hats this day...Dad and Pa, that is!)

Monday, March 15, 2010

We were wrong

Baby Isaacs born 5.30pm, 11 March 2010.

Olivia's first party

13 March 2010

Uncle Cookie and Olivia

Aunty P and Olivia

Lily, Beatrix, Harper, Olivia and the Grand A