Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome Olivia

The amazing Megan with the beautiful Olivia

Born 28 February 2010, 1.30pm, 2.8kg, 46cm (and 60 hours)

Olivia Claire


28 February 2010

We had a lovely morning at the Art Gallery of NSW today with Sarah (with Beatrix) and Rach. We were excited by the art, especially all the paintings of the horses and the b**bies. Oh, and the train video installation.

Rach and Harper
Oh, and we loved running around in the bits that didn't have any art
Looking for trains out over Woolloomooloo
Being subjects ourselves

In the Art Express exhibition (best of Year 12 art)

Beatrix and Sarah

Lily intent on 24 rabbits


Beatrix, 26 February 2010


Our latest gift from Nanna - trolleys! A very big hit. Lucky our babies like a bumpy ride.

26 February 2010

Black Star Patisserie

So the patisserie in Newtown was a great hit. They were a bit shocked when we ordered 5 fluffies and asked where the kids were - so quiet and demure are our two broods!
Beatrix, Archie, Rufus, Beatrix and Lily
26 February 2010
Oh, and the lemon curd tarts are to die for...

Last supper

25 February 2010
At one day overdue already, we suspected this may be our last lunch with baby-free-Meg. We were wrong!

Bump inspection

Beatrix checking the baby is still in there
22 February 2010

Yep, still there!

Happy, happy, sad

Lily, 22 February 2010



Building progresses

The supervisors, 20 February 2010
Wall frames are up!




Humpty Dumpty

20 February 2010


We gate crashed Seamus' play group today! It was fantastic, and we hope to come again...if we are invited back again, that is!

Harper gets mobile, 19 February 2010

Lily and her new best friend

Cheryl, Eliza and Harper


Chinese New Year

Having chinese egg custard tarts for Chinese New Year, 18 February 2010

Train spotters

On the train to Hurstville. Okay, it's only 4 stops but we were excited!

Harper, 18 February 2010



At the station



Afternoon tea at David and Penelope's was more active than the girls expected!
Lily, Beatrix and Harper, 14 February 2010


The bunp, 14 February 2010

Meggie Moo and Mum

Just keep swimming!

We're loving swimming class!
13 February 2010


Lily and Harper


Beatrix, 9 February 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Two years corrected!

9 February 2010

Two years corrected today! There is a lot to smile about. We have had so many magical moments, and Beatrix, Harper and Lily are going from strength to strength.

Their speech is going great guns and they come out with amazing statements on a regular basis. Tonight Beatrix sang all of Twinkle Twinkle and Harper all of Baa Baa Black Sheep (Lily was overcome by stage nerves).
Harper can tell you how to get to "our house" from anywhere in the neighbourhood and is always checking on the well-being of her sisters (and everyone else) - at the first sign of unhappiness or pain she asks "You okay?". In particular, Harper enjoys doing puzzles and playing trains.
Beatrix is the epitome of fairness and always makes sure that everyone has one of whatever is going, and always tidies up after everyone else, especially her "sisters" (a favourite word). Beatrix loves to play with her little people, making sure they are all safe in bed.

Lily has the cheekiest nature and gets away with almost anything...except that her sisters are more than happy to dob her in! Ah the innocence of youth and a lack of awareness of the ability to tell an untruth. Lily loves reading and has the signs of a budding Picasso (although the Grand A thinks it is more Jackson Pollock).

All three girls love to meet guests at the front door with a rambunctious hulabaloo, and often set up camp on the doorstep in wait of expected visitors.
And to mark their second(ish) birthday, Lily marked the occasion by jumping/falling/bounding of the spare bed (in "Timmy's room") and knocking herself out. The ambulance came (Renee reports the paramedics were cute) and Dad arrived shortly thereafter - a big scare for all adults involved and great fun for the three musketeers as they inspected the inside of the ambulance, had their pulses taken and saw the lights whirring. All's well that ends well.
It is an amazing world to be in, with our three.

Vehicularly motivated

Harper and Beatrix on Ruben and Reeve's bikes (Reeve in hot pursuit), as Lily watches on
7 February 2010