Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Pinga - delayed

24 December 2010

"The Deal"

Mulberry Bush

24 December 2010

Here we go round the Mulberry Bush - listen carefully!!

Jingle Bells

23 December 2010

Christmas morning

24 December 2010

Harper with her own Baby Pinga*. The deal was that she would wrap up her dummy for Santa to take to baby Jesus, in exchange for her own Baby Pinga, but she piked at the last minute and unwrapped it on the way to bed!

Collaberative unwrapping

* Thanks to Juzi who saw Santa at SeaWorld to collect Pinga for delivery to her new home

Christmas Eve preparations

24 December 2010

Having our chocolate soy icecream as Harper shakes the last of her sore belly.

Sprinkling reindeer food in the backyard

Putting out mince pies and melon juice for Fasther Christmas

Harper's picture of a reindeer


Christmas Eve at Shelley Park

Outside jelly

23 December 2010
Eating our jelly outside while looking at Santa climbing up the house across the road.


23 December 2010

Stickering - very serious business

Sylvanian families

22 December 2010
With Renee departing for NZ, we were allowed to open our presents from her today! How lucky are we - we got a house and furniture to go with our Sylvanian families! And we haven't looked back since.
Beatrix running the restaurant.
Lily with the hotel.
Harper's koalas.

Christmas lights

20 December 2010

We came into the city to see the Christmas windows at David Jones, but got a bit scared by the crowds. And we weren't at all interested in going into "Santa's Cave" (Ed: don't blame them!). So after some very efficient shopping we stopped for a celebratory cupcake!

Dad, Harper, Lily and Beatrix

Bunnings bliss

16 December 2010

We love the trolleys at Bunnings - perfect for rainy afternoons as we still get some exercise while Mum exercises her MasterCard! And this time we were allowed to bring our favourite toys to cut laps with.

Last day of gym

16 Decemebr 2010

Last day of gymnastics.
Beatrix, Lily and Harper with their friend Tabitha.

Despondent fairy

16 December 2010
Harper in her new wings, but feeling a little under the weather still.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Big girls beds

12 December 2010

Beatrix - Harper - Lily

The dormitory

Very happy

12 December 2010, Macmasters

Last day

12 December 2010

Mum and Beatrix - Dad after a hard day in the sun - Beatrix, Lily, David and Harper - Harper - the 4 Cooke girls

Sunday, December 26, 2010


11 December 2010
Lower energy levels!
Mum and Penelope - Harper and the bubble machine!


11 December 2010
New skirts from the Grand A and new shoes from Emily and Shane - Lily and Penelope at Macmasters - Dad and Dave

The look

10 December 2010
Beatrix the beautiful - Lily and Harper confer - Lily and Mum

Bubbles v babies

9 December 2010

Uncle Nick gave us little baby packs for our birthday! The only competition for the whole day came from the bubble machine.

Harper - Lily - Lily & Beatrix

Out for coffee

9 December 2010

Coffee at avoca.

Lily and Mum

Beatrix v excited at using a knife