Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy birthday Aunty Moo!

The birthday girl, Aunty Moo
25 October 2009
Gran and Beatrix

Harper and Lily discussing politics over lunch

Mary came up from the coast for the celebrations!

Two full generations of Carter women

Dressed by the best

Thank you to Rachael and Sarah for our wonderful New York outfits!
25 October 2009

Bewitched by dad

Icecreams, given to us by our very own god - Dad!

24 October 2009

Going for a stroll in the park


24 October 2009

Had a lovely morning at the beach and then ran into my godparents at the cafe, where we were trying to avoid being eaten alive by pidgeons.




Happy to put her head under, 23 October 2009
Eamon watches from a safe distance

Lazing with Naneta

Two piece

Beatrix is a bit chuffed with her first set of 2 piece pyjamas
22 October 2009

First painting

20 0ctober 2009


Beatrix and Harper - a collaberative effort

Benji holds court

Banji and his harem
19 October 2009

Chocolate smiles

At our new favourite cafe in Tempe, Dad and the girls await the arrival of their hot beverages.
18 October 2009
Lily laps it up

The proof is in the chocolate, says Beatrix


Sweet peas in bloom, have me thinking of Clare's wedding...sigh!
Hopefully a sign of garden fertility - watch this space as we have our first passionfruit appearing and tomatoes have set.

Monday, October 19, 2009


14 October 2009

Where does Mum go?

14 October 2009

So apparently Mum has been worried about how we would deal with her going back to work. We understand it all perfectly well, as this video shows!

Anyhoo, she (a) has spoken with Cathryn, Clare and Anna about it (b) wrote about it for the local (multiple birth specific) rag and has had lots of other mums contact her and say they feel the same way, and (c) has a very understanding husband who kept us up the other night just so she could see us before we went to bed.... and now she is feeling better about it.


Harper, 13 October 2009

Hoping for a cold snap

13 October 2009

OK, it's a long story, so get a drink and make yourself comfortable.

Before we were born, Mum didn't have much time to knit. Well, she did, but she knitted for other people. Then when she was preggers with us, she was too tired. Then we were born, and she was too tired. Then we started sleeping through the night and so she took some time to catch up on sleep (and on adult conversation).

So in March this year, Tapestry Craft had their big sale (it's on again now see and Mum got excited and Gran got excited and Mum blew the credit card on wool to knit for us. And an incredibly XXX-y but VVV-NICy Debbie Bliss pattern book. Sigh. And so now, 6 months later, she and Gran have finished knitting and what would you know the dresses are beautiful and they fit like a dream, only now.... it's almost summer!

We are hoping for a cold snap.

In the meantime, Mum has bought up big (again) and has started new projects for Baby Puelma and Baby Spencer!

The ghosts of Bexley

So this rug smells a bit like Dad's feet, but it can be so much fun!

13 October 2009

Play group

13 October 2009

Here we are at play group at our favourite park.

We are waiting patiently to have our arms painted - we asked for worms, but when it came to the crunch Lily chickened out (although chickens usually eat worms...)

Lily preparing her playdough biscuits for the oven

Beatrix painting up a storm

Harper paints a fish stamp


We tried to redress the testosterone imbalance in our house by spending a morning with the Jones-Handlers - this meant it was F5:M4 - a pretty even balance compared to usual!

We even had coffee - and the only cup smashed was by an adult! Sorry about Mike and Rufus being cut out of the picture - it doesn't accurately represent the gender balance!

This photo is actually 4:4!

An apology

I hereby apologise unreservedly to all of those mothers that came into delicateating with little kids and ordered babycinos, and to whom I may have cast disparaging looks.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

They are a wonderful invention that give you some time and peace of mind!


Richard Scarry started it with that book of his that has Lowly Worm on [almost every/every*] page! Now we expect to see worms EVERY day and get very upset when our parents do not deliver. Weather, season, we don't want excuses, we just want worms!

Harper and her catch, 10 October 2009

* which option you select depends on whether you believe Mum or Dad...

Fairy god parents

Mick and Harper at Rushcutter's Bay, 9 Octolber 2009

Harper, Clare and Seamus

Harper, Lily and Beatrix


Seeing green today!

Renee and Harper, 8 October 2009

Harper showing off the skills she acquired at kindergum by almost forward-rolling...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No, really, our hair is long enough...

...long enough to wear clips, that is!
6 October 2009

Our favourite animal is currently the worm. Isn't it lucky that Naneta is so good at doing worm impersonations?

Bea practising the skills she is gaining at kindergym

22 months

Harper, Beatrix and Lily singing for their 22nd mirthday

5 October 2009

The Rhythm Sisters

4 October 2009. All reviews welcome, bookings through our agent Renee.

First step to self-sufficiency

The first flower on our passionfruit vine

Pad thai

We love dad's sticky rice noodles! 3 October 2009


...Daddy's sleeping...

3 October 2009