Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Renee is so talented



Yay Dad!

Dad and his gals, 26 September 2009
Dad: How many babies are there in this house?
Lily: Too many


Today we met Amelia! Jackie brought her up from Wonoona, and Beatrix held her so carefully - really, her fingers around Amelia's neck aren't white from pressing so hard!

25 September 2009

Harper hides in the tunnel

At Carss Park

The birds

24 September 2009
Harper discovers the water fountain...

At Gus and Toby's

Toby and Beatrix (aka Toby's shadow)
24 September 2009

We had a wonderful day and the girls had lots of new food - yay! Thanks so much to Kirsty and her wonderful little men.

Beatrix and Lily delight in one of Fergus' dolls

Snack time at home

Red dawn

23 September 2009

Shark park

We met Breanna, Chloe and Mikayla at Picnic Point today, and had a great hike along the boardwalk on the Georges River. We were worried about the sign that told us that there were sharks in the river...
21 September 2009

David and Penelope came and looked after us while Dad was working this weekend. We had a great time at the park watching the trains and planes, and even managed to do some sliding!

20 September 2009

Sleeping beauty (one only, but which one?)

And Harper thought that she didn't want to sleep! Note that Harry doesn't mind sleeping upside down.
20 September 2009


The wonderful Wil drives all the way from the Berra just to see us!
19 September 2009

There were four in the bed

16 September 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

We love Richard Scarry

We thought that we were the busiest people ever, until we read this book! And we read it day and night, just to try and be busier!
14 September 2009


Who knew that All-bran could be so much fun.
Harper, 14 September 2009.

What we like best...

Lily and Harper like spaghetti
Beatrix likes icecream

And we all love having David and Penelope live close by!
12 September 2009, Georges River 16ft Sailing Club

First 'cinos

Harper, Lily and Beatrix, 10 September 2009

Curly Sue

Harper has figured out one of the key Stevenson party tricks at 21 months!
10 September 2009

All asleep in the car after a big morning at the park.
This was the day after my first day back at work. Upon my return in the evening, the girls barely even raised their eyes from their games! Best result, really...

Father's Day

Dad and his girls, 6 September 2009 - Harper, Beatrix and Lily

Aunty Moo, Lily, Harper and Beatrix

Teddy mania

Lily, Naneta and Beatrix, 4 September 2009

Book club

4 September 2009

Food art

Creative eating, 3 September 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rushcutter's Bay

Hats, 1 September 2009

Seamus and GG
Seamus, Harper, Lily and Beatrix

Peta and Stephanie


31 August 2009


Lovely family times, 30 August 2009

Lily and Dad
Harper builds her first plane

Beatrix tunnels for freedom


Harper and Pa Tony, 29 August 2009


A lovely visit with Dolores, 27 August 2009
Lily with Dolores and Susan, 28 August 2009