Thursday, April 16, 2009


Seamus hosts the girls, 10 April 2009.
Harper, Lily and Bea

Harper reading to Gran

Long grass

Walking throguh the long grass, what do you see? A lion! Looking for his tea!


10 April 2009

Harper learning how to blow dandelion heads

Beatrix and Juzi

Seeing six

I think we scared the locals at Shelly Park in Cronulla when we met with the Blannings for a playdate, 9 April 2009.
Narelle and Lorraine with Joel, Liam and Ethan and Renee with Beatrix, Harper and Lily
Discovering the wonders of bubblers

Lily and Ethan dreaming of times ahead.

Sports stars

Tennis? At Tillman Park, 7 April 2009
Lawn bowls?
Or maybe a trade? 2 drills are better than one.

Determined Harper.

16th mirthday!

Well we're 16 months old (14 corrected) on 5 April 2009 and we still manage to fit on our couch!

We are racing around and sprouting teeth everywhere. We know many body parts (eyes, ears, noses, toes, heads, bellybuttons, mouth) and can recognise the sound of a plane coming before mum can see it (we can't wait til the planes start to fly over us again) and think that all animals sound like an armadillo.

Happy times!

Reading with grandad

Lily reading about the Tombliboos with grandad, 31 March 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We've formed a new gang, the Commancheerios. It's all going down in Bexley today. See,22049,25279788-5001021,00.html

We're tough

Very tough

Harper helping ice the cake, 31 March 2009
Nursie and Lily, Mum and Harper, and Matron and Beatrix


Grandad and Harper, 29 March 2009
Beatrix, Grandad and Lily

The arrival of the Grand A (aka Nursie)

Nursie, Lily and Harper
26 March 2009

Nursie and Beatrix

Harper, Lily and Beatrix


Lily finds her shadow, 24 March 2009


24 March 2009
At AE Watson Reserve


Attacking Uncle David, 23 March 2009

New chairs

Lily, Harper and Beatrix, 19 March 2009


Here we are with slippers from Caoilfhionn, Tom and Siomha, 18 March 2009




Front yard

On the edge, Lily 18 March 2009
Harper wants a hug
Lily is more of a kisser

Dolls Point

Distortion, 18 March 2009
A pelican especially for Mary

Lily, Beatrix and Harper all at sea and needing Jack's rescue

At home

17 March 2009

Train tales

Harper and Lily train spotting, 17 March 2009

Pick a train, any train (this is a Pacific National 8 carriage freight train on the 11.18am run to Port Botany)

Twin swingin'

Music maker, taking after Aunty Moo's drumming past

Walking in another man's shoes

Beatrix walking in William's shoes, 16 MArch 2009