Saturday, November 29, 2008

Movember II - Violated Vermillion

The whole team, 15 Movember 2008

Dave, Cookie and Mike

Mike and Archie

Almost, Lily

Almost crawling, 14 November 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Busy days

13 November 2008
Harper climbing everything

Beatrix pretending she hasn't just eaten some grass

Lily and Aunty Moo, Lily caught "mid-Albatross" arm flap

Dark rider

Harper, 12 November 2008

Beatrix like the mo

11 November 2008


And so it begins...Movember 2008

This one looks like a police shot

This one looks like a French p@rn shot!

Seamus turns one

Our first birthday party - that is, the first one we have been to ;-) Seamus was busy on his new bike, hence not in the pics... 9 November 2008

Beatrix overseeing the construction of the bike

Clare and Harper

Geri and Harper

Mandy, Lily and Mamma

Harper showing how camera shy she is

Harper and Geoff

Johnny Rotten

Lily, 8 November 2008

Number one!

Harper, 8 November 2008

Newly married

Penelope just returned from her honeymoon, with Beatrix. 7 November 2008


See how our legs dangle? 6 November 2008

In clover

Beatrix, 5 November 2008

11th Mirthday

We're eleven months old!

Harper, Lily and Beatrix

5 November 2008


Lovely visit from Shelley, 5 November 2008

With Lily, Harper and Beatrix


Visiting with Matt and Char, 2 November 2008



Char and Harper


Wonderful cuddlies gift from Cattis and Pete. How apt!

Thank you!!

Long distance

Harper goes all the way down the hall, 1 November 2008

Go Barack!

Harper prepares for the US election. This was her reaction while Palin was on the tellie.

31 October 2008

Bottles bottles and more bottles


Harper standing! 30 October 2008


Grissini is the new "carrot" in the feeding game.
Aunty Moo, Harper, Bea and Lily, 30 October 2008

Big smiles

Big smiles from Benji and Harper

30 October 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Group mayhem

Harper, Bea, Mamma and Lily, 27 Octobe 2008

Ms Gross

Cathryn with Lily and Harper, 27 October 2008

Aunty Moo's birthday

Harper and Aunty Moo at her party, 26 October 2008

Nanna and Mum with Harper, Lily and Beatrix

Harper, Lily, Naneta, Bea and Dad




A very happy family (dressed by Ms Gross!)

Not camera shy

Dad with Lily and Harper, 25 October 2008

Up, Lily, up!

Lily pulls self to standing, 25 October 2008

Happy birthday Aunty Moo!