Thursday, October 23, 2008


Harper feeding herself....onehanded, no less! 22 October 2008

Play date

At the SSMBA HOM playdate, English Street park, 21 October 2008.

This is the first of the monthyl playdates we have made it too since we went to the October 2007 playdate at the Markos, before the girls were born. As always, everyone was very welcoming. There were 5 families and 16 kids!

Harper, Beatrix and Lily with the Hodgetts and Worsleys

Beatrix, Harper and Lily

Beatrix (with Red Jimmy), Harper and Lily

Sippy cups

21 October 2008 - we have this sippy cup thing mastered! Whoever invented straws was a genius.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Lily's first fang, 19 October 2008

Singin' while we're swingin'

19 October 2008

We don't know why Gran Cherry doesn't like the hills hoist when it can provide hours of fun!


On the attack

Harper, 19 October 2008

I'm still standing

18 October 2008

Harper - cot sides up, cot base lowered...

Lily (she gets up with a little help from her friends)

Is that a kiss or...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Prison break

17 October 2008

Beatrix and Harper playing prison break with Mum

We predict Harper will reach world domination by early November
Is Bea trying to show me her tooth or look at herself in the back of the camera?

Dining alfresco

Fang 2

Beatrix cuts her first tooth, 17 October 2008

Fun at home

16 October 2008

Harper and Bea with Mum

(note Harper's new one eyed winking smile)

The dread pirate Lily with her one tooth

(look very closely...)

Beatrix reads to everyone

Beatrix gives Dad a high five after finishing the book

Mum with Lily and Harper

(one eyed again...)


Lily gets her first tooth, 15 October 2008
(but won't show the camera)

First finger food

First finger food, 15 October 2008 (peach and pear for those who are interested...)

Harper (very serious)



Penelope and Beatrix - en route to the airport for her honeymoon just had to stop in to say bye to her god-daughter!

The way home

Here we all are on the flight home! A bit short on space, and there was a fight for the window seat!

Day after lunch

Lunch at the Lion, 11 October 2008

Dad and Beatrix (note wardrobe malfunction)

Mum and Lily (love the kaftan, thanks Nina!)

Penelope and Harper

The big day

The big day - 10 October 2008

Penelope and Andrew

First dance as wife and husband - radiant

Andrew and Jane (beautiful!)

Rob and Sue

Still dancing (with style)

Dancing (without style)

A better effort... Who would have thought we could scrub up so well!


Rehearsing at Glen Wein Estate, 9 October 2008

Jane and Beatrix

Gran and Lily

The groom and his very attractive best man

Jane and Beatrix

The beautiful bride and me

At the Foxs' - Beatrix and Naneta

Penelope and her god-daughter

Penelope and Harper