Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little bear

Lily and Bea
9 July 2008

Hangin' wiv mah sizs

Harper, Lily and Beatrix
8 July 2008

Eye spy

Lily, 8 July 2008


Harper surfing, 8 July 2008

An end to breastfeeding

The pump being returned, 7 July 2008

(my boobs will never be the same again)

Seventh mirthday party

5 July 2008
David and Lily

Gran Cherry and Beatrix
Gran Cherry and Lily
Naneta with Lily, Beatrix and Harper

Peta and Lily, Andrew and Beatrix and David and Harper

Seventh Mirthday!

5 July 2008 - seven months old today!
Harper, Betrix and Lily

Outifts from Cousin Christine in Stroud - after a long day's shopping in Exeter!!

My toothbrush

Lily practices getting over her gag reflex with her training toothbrush (bea helping)

5 July 2008

Going out

Bea, Harper and Lily, 4 July 2008

New toy

New activity station from Naneta -Beatrix has a red hot go, 4 July 2008

Dad's girls

Beatrix and Lily, 2 July 2008

Best photo yet

Lily, Harper and Beatrix
2 July 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pretty in pink

Lily and Beatrix, 1 July 2008

Aunty Cuppy

Lily & Cuppy 29 June 2008


Lily, 28 June 2008

The Grand A's latest creation

Capes that help us fly!

Harper, 26 June 2008

Winter sun

Naneta with Harper, Beatrix, Andrew and Lily, 24 June 2008

I understand completely

Not only are they colour coordinated, but Jenny and Beatrix obviously have an understanding...
23 June 2008

Oma, Pa and a wigger

Jenny and Lily, Pa and Beatrix and Harper and Dave, 22 June 2008


Lily, 22 June 2008

Two little ducks

Beatrix 21 June 2008

So many Stevenson women

Ali and Harper, Maggie and Beatrix, Peta and Lily, 20 June 2008

Thank you Sophie

Lily wearing an outfit lent by Sophie, from the 2006 Aunty P collection, 19 June 2008

Winter swimwear collection

Beatrix, Lily and Harper wearing the Andrew Aqua 2008 collection, 18 June 2008


Lily lovely in lemon, 14 June 2008

Aunty Lynnie

Lynne and Beatrix, 14 June 2008
(there are those mary nelson jumpers again!)