Thursday, January 31, 2008


A hard morning's work
31 January 2008

Out and about

Setting the neighbourhood on fire
28 January 2008

Young love

Beatrix and Seamus
28 January 2oo8

All asleep

Underwater love

Lily having a swim

I think she enjoyed it!

Aunty Meg and Lily

Three little bugs

Three little bugs snug in their rugs - clockwise Lily (pink), Beatrix and Harper
Australia Day 2008

Stretch hummer

Heading up to Bexley with the peg triplette pram - Grandpa Dale has a go at steering
26 January 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008


Harper holding her own bottle!
25 January 2008

We don't mind the doctor's

Our first outing after going home.

At the opthalmologist's - you can see we are worried! Love the new Maclaren twin stroller.

25 January 2008

Gorgeous hats from Sue Smart


Bea, Harper and Lily
24 January 2008

First bath at home

Beatrix having enjoyed her first bath at home, courtesy of Dad.

24 January 2008

In our own bed

21 January 2008
Home in our own bed!
Quilt hand-crafted by Robyn Gross

Going home

Leaving NICU, Monday 21 January 2008

In the car - Harper, Bea and Lily. Beautiful car quilts from the Grand A

Friday, January 25, 2008

Living in

We stayed in Blossom Corner for two nights to get to know the girls' gurglings. Here they are with Michal.
20 January 2008

Baby massage

Learning baby massage with Linda and Esther
19 January 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

The wonderful professionals of Transitional Care, RHW

(with Lily, Harper and Beatrix)

(with Lily)

(with Harper)

We're excited as this weekend we are spending all weekend at hospital to acclimatise to full-time parenthood. Hopefully the girls will be coming home with us on Monday!

Motion study

In action...

(top to bottom: Lily, Harper and Bea)

...and asleep (Harper)
18 January 2008

Waiting for sleep to come

18 January 2008

Not always perfect

...but almost always!

Lily lets us know she is ready for lunch

Preparing for the homecoming

Dad prepares for his daughters first contact with the great outdoors
13 January 2008

Nanna Cooke

Nanna loves spending time with her girls.

13 January 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Three generations

9 January 2008

Aunty Meg and Beatrix

Gran and Lily

Grandpa with Beatrix and Lily

Harper and Mum

Sister love

Lily and Beatrix, 8 January 2008

First mirthday

One month old today - 5 January 2008

Harper, Lily and Beatrix with a very proud Mum and Dad

See how we've grown

18 December 2007

2 January 2008

Our favourite positions

Position one - inside Dad's shirt (Lily)

Position two - monkey pose (Harper)

Position three - in the bath (Beatrix)

New Year's Eve

Our daughters prepare for festivities on New Year's. Hats courtesy of Gran.

Fireworks display, Watkin Street.

First Christmas

Beatrix, Harper and Lily await the arrival of Santa

Andrew and his Christmas helpers

Beatrix and Peta

Harper the happy Christmas elf

Lily in the lovely Christmas dress provided by the wonderful women in the Newborn Care Centre at the Royal Hospital for Women, along with the Christmas hats and sheets.

...Not even a mouse

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...'

Beatrix and Andrew on Christmas Eve

24 December 2007

Sister kisses

Beatrix and Harper

21 December 2007